
Punta San Francesco

While visiting Vieste you’ll surely notice Punta San Francesco, a small peninsula located in the medieval area of the city.
Punta San Francesco carries the same name as the church and cloister built in the same area. Since ancient times it has always been considered as a strategic point thanks to its position and the big bastion situated there, which would make all attacks by sea really difficult.
The church and the cloister have been built around 1438, when Algragio and Narda, a married couple from Vieste, decided to have them constructed at their own expenses and donate it to the Poor Clares.
Around the XV and XVII century the cloister had been destroyed. At a later time, the now existing church was built and given to the Franciscan friars.
The monastery was closed in 1809 during the French supremacy by Gioacchino Murat and it was first converted to military outpost, then to military and civil archer.
Currently, a nursery school managed by sisters and a community library appear next to the chapel.

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